About The Owner Of Constantech

John lived in a small country town on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and had a full and varied upbringing. John’s high school years were spent at boarding school and my last year was spent on a student exchange in Denver, USA.
During John’s year in the USA, he learned to be independent, open-minded, responsible, and to function with others in a disciplined manner.

Growing up, John enjoyed riding motorcycles, playing AFL, and flying gliders. Maths was always his best subject at school.
John enjoys mixing with people on all levels under wide and varied circumstances.
John’s hobbies include kart racing and ice skating (Qld Junior Speed Skating champion in 1980,81).

While relaxing indoors, John enjoys testing new software and listening to music.
Family are central to John’s emotional well-being and Constantech is a major focus in his life.